Supplemental indemnity coverage for employee groups
America's best Gap Health Insurance solution
Coverage that reflects each employee's actual health plan instead of an average
Our claims engine automatically obtains proof of loss from medical payers and adjudicates claims
Premium cycle automation that makes financial administration a breeze
Our coverage defines cost-sharing exactly like the underlying medical plans.
Rates based on current medical plan
No "fine print exclusions" relative to current medical plan
Cash-based cost of living rider
After insureds connect their medical plans to our application, their Gap claims are processed automatically on an ongoing basis.
Algorithmic adjudication
Immediate payouts online
No Gap member ID cards
No manual proof of loss submissions
No medical provider involvement
No human claims handling
When an employer pays an invoice, all premium shares get automatically calculated and queued for administrator approval.
Electronic invoicing & payments
AR/AP reconciliation
Automatic premium distribution